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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Moravia and Vienna

This past weekend we went on a trip organized by the CESP office (that's the program I'm studying at). They took us to a Southern region in Czech called Moravia. It is famously known for their wine. We also went to Vienna, Austria which is just South of the Czech border. There were about 15 of us that went on the trip all of whom I've become good friends with. We stayed in a little town called Mikulov.

Here the whole group is at a wine cellar. There are approximately 8 kilometers of tunnels all underground in this particular cellar. We tried 8 different kinds of wine. I'm not certain which was my favorite, but they definitely had very distinct aromas and flavors.

This is an apartment building in Vienna that is known for it's peculiar architecture. It is apparently one of the most visited sites in Vienna, but I didn't find it that remarkable.

This is the summer palace and garden of one of the kings of the region. I haven't learned much of the history behind some of these places, but I do know that this was by far the most beautiful place I've been to in Europe so far and I would say that Vienna has been my favorite city in Europe so far besides Prague.

Here I am standing looking back down to where the previous picture was taken from.

Vienna is know for their chocolates and sweets. These are hand-made, decorative candies. I couldn't help but think that this is something my mom and sisters would love to do, and they certainly could make these creations!

Vienna is a city that I would equate to Paris or Monte Carlo. It was significantly more expensive than Prague but also more of a luxurious city. They are known, like I've said, for their chocolates and sweets, as well as their fashion district and downtown shopping. There was a street that was Gucci, Dulce and Gabana, Versace, Burberry, and such, along with a dozen local designers. I felt like I should have been charged to walk down the street!

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