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Thursday, November 15, 2012

237th Marine Birthday Ball

Well I've eluded to this event several times and it was definitely one of my favorite things that I've done thus far in Europe. This first photo is of the two guys I've got to know the best. To my right is Luis, and to my left is Jose. Ironically enough, they are both from New York and of Dominican decent. I met Jose first through the church and home group and then he introduced me to Luis whom I play basketball with on Tuesday nights... We're trying to get Jose to come with us one of these days!

Olivia and I... isn't she pretty?!

Here are some of the military people that were in attendance. There were Marines, Air Force, Navy, and some other nations represented.

This is the ballroom. I was seated with half of the Marines in the center of the room.

On the far left is the US Ambassador to the Czech Republic. He was the guest of honor and had his security personnel present all evening.

Jose, standing in the background of this photo on the right side, was the youngest Marine and therefore was a part of the opening ceremony. The guest of honor received the first piece of cake, followed by the eldest Marine present and the followed by the youngest Marine present. This is a symbolic passing of the torch to the next generation.

These are all incredible young men and women and we are very fortunate to have them fighting on our behalf. I felt honored just to be in their presence for one evening. Remember to thank ALL service men and women, past, present and future, for their service and say a prayer for them. They do things that most of us couldn't imagine, let alone actually do all to keep us safe and comfortable in the great nation that we get to call home; The United States of America.

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