
I'm glad that you've found my blog! I will be writing here about my time abroad in Prague!

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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving in Prague with PCF

We celebrated Thanksgiving here and I feel as though I have never had more to be thankful for!

Our 'micro-kitchen' as I call it where I made mashed potatoes for 20 or so people. (I don't want to say too much, but I got GREAT reviews from everyone at dinner!)

I bought 10kg of potatoes and used about 5kg of them... I have plenty of left overs!

Marketa prepared all of the meat for the celebration! She made duck, turkey and chicken! Nothing is as good as my family's... BUT... she came very close!! The duck was even from her parents farm.

Katri's kitchen is much nicer than ours (she just moved in to this place) and it quickly became full of good food and better company!

Some of the gentlemen in attendance. From left to right: Benny, Reed, Allen, ?, Mikah, David.

Dinner... it was remarkably similar to any meal people had in the states. And everything tasted fantastic! I was really impressed with everyone's good work!

And dessert! (The apple pie somehow escaped this picture...)

Now that Thanksgiving is officially over... I put up Christmas lights in our room to have at least a little bit of holiday spirit while in Prague.

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