
I'm glad that you've found my blog! I will be writing here about my time abroad in Prague!

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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Punkva Caves and Graffiti Exhibition

Well I wish this post was about the Marine Birthday/US Embassy Ball... but I don't have the pictures yet, sooo this will have to suffice for now.

Last week we visited the Punkva Caves, they are located outside of Brno in Czech Republic. They are underground caves very similar to the caves we visited in Slovakia, except this time there was a much larger underground river that we took a boat on. It was incredible!

These are the people that went on the trip. Back row, left to right: Jake, Reed, Daniel, Gabe. Front row, left to right: Jamie, Cathy, Olivia, Bri, Autumn.

This retro trolley/train thing took us the last bit up to the entrance of the caves.

The most spectacular part of the caves was this opening that appeared about half way through. None of these pictures can capture the breath-taking beauty but maybe it will be good enough to remember for years to come...

Then, last night I went to a graffiti exhibit here in Prague where the gallery managers invited some internationally known graffiti artists to come and paint their walls for this particular exhibit. It is interesting to learn about the mindset behind these artists because they painted on the walls... and there is no way to preserve their work and it will all simply be painted over when the exhibit is concluded. This does not bother the artists because that is how it is on the streets too. If an artists reaches a certain level of respect that others on the street will no longer paint over their work... it is not uncommon for an artist to paint over their own work with white or black paint to encourage others to continue to paint and evolve the genre. It was fascinating...

Choj for now! ;-)

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