
I'm glad that you've found my blog! I will be writing here about my time abroad in Prague!

Reminder: I do not have a Facebook. I will post pictures
for everyone to see here, on the blog. You can also follow me on Twitter @TylerReedMiller.


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

2 Weeks In...

Well I am just about two weeks into my time here in Prague. I have traveled mostly around the city and some of the places just outside of the city. There are so many things that I hope to do before I leave; I'm sure I will not be able to do them all.

I have 5 great roommates:
Daniel from Hungary
Alex from Germany
Adam from Colorado
Igor from Ukraine
Andrew from Cleveland

We have gotten along great and all of them would be people that I would hang out with in the states. I feel very blessed to have them as roommates. Also, the other people that are always around have been great. I've met people from Italy, Norway, Canada, Nederlands, Spain, Russia, among others.

Also, I have not had very much culture shock, virtually none. Prague is simply a big city. The supermarkets are very similar to the USA, they have WiFi everywhere, big modern malls and shopping centers, English is very common and there is every kind of food you could ever want. I had a different expectation that this was more or less an undeveloped country. I would say it was harder to get used to living in a city of 1 million people that adapting to the foreign culture. It has taught me that the world is not so different, but also shown me what I particularly enjoy about 'home.'

Here are some more pictures of the area:

This is the Castle at Karlstein (outside of Prague). This is a Castle that King Charles lived in sporadically during his reign.

Here is the village below the castle.

We walked through the countryside to an abandoned mine. It looks just like the country in America, maybe a little greener...

And here is the mine...

This is the Catholic church in Vysehrad, it is still used for services today.

Here I am with Prague Castle in the background.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Charles Bridge and Prague Castle

Here are a couple of photos of Charles Bridge and Prague Castle:

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Day 1

Well I finally got to Prague and finished with all of the necessary errands. I had to register with the school and get the proper confirmation documents in order to get a public transportation pass and checked in to the dorms. Now I am all settled and have unpacked and gone to the grocery store to buy some small things for breakfast and snacks. Prague is a beautiful city and the people seem pleasant enough. The language is like nothing I have ever heard and I'm certain that I will not know much more than I do now. My roommate's name is Daniel and he is from Hungary. He and I are equally outgoing and it seems we will become pretty good friends. Also, Janka, my Czech buddy, has been wonderful and has been with me almost the entire time that I  have been here thus far. The  one disappointment that I have so far is about the beer. It is not the best beer that I have ever tasted and had higher expectations for it after hearing how great it was. Maybe I have not drank the correct kind, but so far it was very average.