
I'm glad that you've found my blog! I will be writing here about my time abroad in Prague!

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Monday, December 10, 2012


 Berlin was a great trip and there was WAY more history there than I realized. Also, Germany has some great Christmas markets and festivals.

Here is one of the many Christmas markets
Complete with Ferris wheel and ice skating rink. 

The Brandenburg Gate. This is where the people would come through into the city, in the ancient days, to sell their goods. This is where the city taxed them and managed the flow of people throughout the city.

 This is a memorial for the Jewish people that died. There is so much to say about this place, but little to type. Ask me about it in person...

about 100 feet below this parking lot is where one of Hitler's primary bomb shelters was, and where he finally killed himself. The Soviets got his body first, but never told the American forces until some years later. This was a part of what started the cold war... It was not just an arms race, but also a knowledge race.

The Berlin Wall

Throughout the city, this brick line signifies where the wall once stood.

A Church that I've forgotten the name of...

There is a Paralympic Games exhibit in Berlin. They are amazing athletes that compete at an incredibly high level...

The Berlin Wall again. This stretch is known as the gallery because it is entirely graffiti on the wall. There are some amazing pieces of art created on the wall.

London Bridge came falling down...

London is an amazing city. Once again verifies that I will never live in such a large city but was still a great experience and best of all, my dad met me there and we got to spend a lot of time together. We went to a rugby match, saw a British comedy show, went to Wimbledon, saw Windsor Castle, walked around most of London, learns the Tube like the back of our hand and had some wonderful pub beer and food!

Here are some of the best pictures from our excursion.

Buckingham Palace. This is where the Queen spends most of her time during the week.

Big Ben Clock Tower

On the right is the Parliament Building and on the left is Big Ben; both across the Thames River.

Wimbledon. Simply brilliant. Smaller than I had hoped, but still an incredible thing to see.


We also went to a rugby match between Cambridge and Oxford...

This is my dad and I outside of Windsor Castle. this is where the Queen lives on most weekends. It was spectacular and probably my favorite thing that I've seen in all of my time in Europe. 

The flag when we got to Windsor Castle...
...and the flag when we left, this is the royal flag that is flown when the Queen is home! 

This is NOT London Bridge.. it is Tower Bridge... London Bridge is the bridge that I'm standing on while taking this picture.. it is JUST A NORMAL BRIDGE!!! and I feel it is my duty to tell the whole world about this misconception... 

Lastly, the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace.